React or respond? Is Social Media helping or hindering our desire to move & exercise?

Reaction over response. One is instant and one is considered. We are capable of both. As animals we are wired to react intuitively, as humans we have trained ourselves to respond, learn and grow. But this does not mean we never react to anything we subject ourselves to or are unwillingly subjected to.  In fact I believe choice is one of the neglected parts of creating our daily life reactions. 

Yes we had much of our freedom and choice taken from us since COVID-19 hit, but there is still choice HOW we navigate ourselves and our lives within that, right down to examining what goes through our minds and is never verbalised or shared, but can be choice based. It’s sad to think many people have fallen into mental health issues and I am not talking about this level, though having been in the black hole a couple times in my life, I do understand what a tough journey it is to claw your way out and that some literally don’t make it. Plus working for a year teaching Mindfulness and Pilates in the Mentally Ill rehab unit at Port Phillip Prison I gained insight into the severity of mental illness and crime, but also the miracle of teaching and observing the palpable effect of moving, breathing and mindfulness humans can choose to draw on, if they have the awareness and tools.  

As a professional movement & mobility wellness specialist running my own biz for over 13 years (that’s what I will call myself) with a background as a professional ballet dancer, Choreographer, Stage Manager, Assistant Director, Casting & Company Manager plus Director & Production Manager of the Brian Stacey Memorial Trust, I am amazed that Social Media can have such a profound affect on my own mental state and how I deal with my self management and concept of self. 

I was thinking about this today, it’s not what I grew up with, my childhood was not about tech tools or the cyber world, those things simply did not exist. Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, we marvelled at black and white television becoming color in heavy duty big square boxes of solid repairable parts and telephones with a circular number dial that plugged into the wall in our homes, phone numbers kept in an address book or teledex nearby. A portable device was a chunky radio or cassette player and record players were a wonderful way to listen to your favourite music at home if you were fortunate enough to have one and be able to buy the vinyl disc that had to remain scratch free and be kept in a special cover. 

NOW - in a world where everything is literally available to access and view through a device screen instantly, wherever you are - illusions can be made that trick our brains and minds to believe it’s real, easy and happening regardless of where we are or what our current state is. This is incredible, BUT is it healthy and good for us . . . not always. 

I ask myself often as I scroll through various Social Media platforms, why am I doing this mindless thing? What am I looking for? Do I really need to do this? Is it voyaristic? Do I continually compare myself to people in similar professions or age range? Does it provoke dissatisfaction with myself? Am I learning from observing and reading this? What is the purpose of this or am I trying to fill a void without admitting it to myself? Am I searching for answers? Am I trying to validate myself? The short answer is YES to all of these questions. Possibly not growing up with it, has made me more aware and perhaps wrestle to be OK with it. . . if one knew nothing else, one is less likely to question without a previous comparison. 

I do follow some brilliant people on social media that I admire and learn so much from, some I know personally, have trained with and feel nothing but positive energy exchange from. We interact and support and this is truely wonderful, especially when it’s on the other side of the globe. Especially grateful this could be possible and continue since the global pandemic hit.

BUT I also look at MANY social media pages and people and it isn’t a positive experience for me, it brings up a lot of the reactions mentioned above & list A below . . . as I turn this over in my head and unpack how it makes me feel, I know it’s up to me to respond in my chosen way. BUT we are human, we are multi-faceted, we are vulnerable and we can be fragile. We sometimes react rather than respond, and we can train ourselves to respond in positive ways in-line with who we are authentically, BUT we also need to filter and understand what resonates in a healthy way with ourselves and what simply doesn’t. 

I was horrified recently when someone I admire, an enormously talented and accomplished performer and singer, sent me a message about an exercise video I posted. She said it made her feel guilty and upset she did not have the energy to be like me, though she knew that was a negative reaction. I then realised this was brave and courageous to share with me and how many people think these thoughts, never share or express them, but allow them to negatively impact on their emotional & physical state. Plus I feel this way often myself when I view other people’s videos and pics!!!!  I felt sad this triggered that reaction in her and people are quick to say, well just don’t look. Hmmmmm easier said than done. Even more so now, that tech and social media is our one constant to communicate and keep things running when Covid restrictions & lockdowns are part of life. It enabled APT to continue through nearly 8 months of hard Melb lockdown and offer many free classes to help others move and feel better mentally and physically via their device from home. It also created and enabled an ongoing time saving way I offer many of my clients to roll out of bed and get moving with me & the friendly APT Community, to start their day well. 


When you look at fitness, yoga, pilates, exercise posts and vids of accomplished people making it look easy, glamorous or just putting sheer effort into strong super physical actions & lifts that you know take a LOT of training, you will NEVER DO OR BE.. . . HOW DO YOU FEEL? WHAT THOUGHTS FLY THROUGH YOUR MIND? What do you tell yourself? What is your reaction or considered response? 






Uninspired cause you won’t ever look like that




Wish you were younger

Wish you were thinner

Feel uncomfortable in your body








Encouraged to move

Energised to take the first step if you haven’t

Makes you want to get moving 


Realising you deserve to devote some time to self care which includes mindful movement

Welcome to be yourself & celebrate that 

Determined to feel better and healthier

Deserving of self care & love 

Grateful you CAN take action apt for you in YOUR life

Ready to make change to move and improve!

If it’s mainly A - unfollow

If it’s mainly B - you are on the right path for you - keep going - tap into trusted, professional resources and move one step at a time apt for YOU 😊

Of course we have no real control over people’s response or reactions to anything we do.

That said, it is always in the forefront of my mind when I post pics, videos and information to inspire and educate anyone who happens to follow, view or engage with APT to WANT to move. To ignite a desire to become more mobile, more comfortable in their own skin, accept themselves and choose to grow from there and to feel their best in their chosen way they live their life. To be an example of ageing proudly & well, and through consistent, committed daily routine process to progress, being mobile and well connected in mind, body and spirit. My mission has always been to make a difference to other people’s lives - within that is being the mentor, the teacher, the supporter, the listener, the encourager, the believer, the learner and the giver of ideas and information totally apt for each unique individual.   

Having just spent the last few weeks creating a new website for APT, I have thought deeply about what my message is and what I want people to engage with. I reflected & realised very clearly, it is themselves, the energy within, their human intuition, their desire to live well to be well. That’s when I came up with ‘move well to be well’ - I believe and live this 100%.. I am raw and real #rawandreal (spot my name in there) to the best of my ability at any given moment & I openly share 43 years of life experience, curiosity, education and perhaps helpful insight & wisdom, to give you pearls of knowledge into yourself, to gain new awareness, to feel your best.  

YOUR choice is jumping into APT and what it offers to flourish, nourish, nurture, challenge, learn, enable, create, empower and grow, the way you choose for yourself.  

Andrea Gaze 1.7.21


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